Adventure in Morocco

An Adventure with a Taste of Spice: Tourist Sites in Morocco

An Adventure with a Taste of Spice: Tourist Sites in Morocco

Morocco beckons with aromas of spices and exotic cuisine. It combines modern skyscrapers and ancient landmarks. Here the Mediterranean sea caresses it on one side and the Sahara burns it on the other. This is a country of paradoxes and contrasts. Ivona offers to get acquainted with it a little closer. It is also called Qasr Al-Badi. This is the calling card of Marrakech, which is the ruins of an ancient palace built around 1603. Some historians believe that the palace originally had 360 rooms, a courtyard (135×110 m) and a swimming pool (90×20 m). The palace itself was finished incredibly luxuriously. And when Sultan Moulay Ismail gave the decree to destroy this structure, all the wealth was removed from the premises for 10 years. Today, tourists can see only the old neglected walls, an orange garden (the place where storks nest) and the floor, lined with a mosaic pattern.

You can find it in the city of Casablanca. This mosque is considered to be the largest mosque in the country. It was built in the period from 1986 to 1993. The height of the minaret of Hassan II Mosque is 210 meters, occupies an area of 9 hectares. Inside the prayer hall there are 78 columns of pink granite, floor is covered with slabs of golden marble and green onyx. The roof is covered with bright emerald tiles. The building is earthquake-resistant, has underfloor heating, and has a retractable roof, all to ensure that the mosque can withstand all weather conditions.

When traveling in Marrakech, it is definitely worth a visit here as well. How and where the name of this place came from is not known for sure today. The whole square is included in the list of intangible heritage of UNESCO. On the square every evening there is a huge bazaar with street restaurants. Jugglers, storytellers telling Berber legends and tales, drummers, gnawa musicians, snake charmers, and people claiming to be healers gather around them. These entertainment events last until late at night and are very popular with tourists.

It is located on the left bank of the river Ouarzazate, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and was founded around the 11th century. It used to be an important city through which trade routes passed. Having lost its value, the town fell into disrepair. Nowadays restoration works are carried out here. Ait Benhaddou is gradually regaining its former glory and is becoming a popular tourist destination.

Morocco is a beautiful country that beckons with its mystery. One wants to return here. It makes you want to walk around. It wants to enjoy and savor. Morocco is an extraordinary piece of Africa, worth seeing with your own eyes.

Where to go in Morocco – unique places, worthy of the record book

Morocco is home to the unique Blanche Dune Beach, one of the most beautiful and deserted beaches in the world. The desolate stretch of coastline is covered with fine, light-colored sand, which smoothly turns into grandiose dunes and forms an incredibly beautiful desert landscape. Often referred to as “the youngest son of the Sahara,” Blanche’s dune beach is indeed an imposing and harshly climatic desert terrain.

These features of the coast do not embarrass tourists who visit the beach in search of solitude. The easiest way to get to the beach is to rent a boat, but some travelers choose a more complicated way – go to the coast in jeeps. The latter option will especially appeal to those who love fascinating safaris and long drives, and want to get closer to the amazing diversity of the inhabitants of the desert area.

Blanche Beach is not only deserted, but also very calm, strong waves on the coast are extremely rare. Those who are used to sunbathing with extreme caution should remember that Blanche is one of the most sultry beaches in the world. You can only shelter from the scorching sun here in the shade of an umbrella brought with you. … The whole series

Travelers who plan to visit Casablanca should definitely get acquainted with the main religious landmark of Morocco – the Hassan II mosque. It can hold 105,000 people at a time in the mosque and the region around it, which is situated in a breathtaking location on the Atlantic Ocean’s coasts.. The height of the main and the only minaret of the mosque is 210 meters, the author of the project of the unique mosque is the architect Michel Pincko.

He managed to put his grandiose project into practice in the shortest possible time; it took only thirteen years to fully build the mosque and in 1993 it received its first believers. The main feature of the mosque was its location. It was built not on the natural bank, but on an artificial platform, so it is literally located above the water. The floor of the mosque is made of high-strength glass, so through it the worshippers can see the waves of the ocean and its inhabitants.

The spacious halls of the mosque, which can accommodate 25,000 worshippers, are decorated with elaborate finishes of rare marble and granite. The central prayer hall features huge chandeliers designed by outstanding Venetian craftsmen. High columns of pink granite, floor covered with golden marble, chic finishing of onyx – the decoration of the mosque strikes with luxury and naturalness. The Hassan II Mosque is not only open to Muslims but to all comers, which makes it one of the most visited sites in Morocco.The majestic mosque has been the world’s highest religious structure for more than 20 years, and its tallest tower is embellished with intricate mosaics and stone carvings.. The entire series,,,,

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