Moroccan cuisine

Moroccan cuisine – a list of traditional Moroccan

Moroccan cuisine – a list of traditional Moroccan dishes

Moroccan food is renowned around the world for its flavorful blend of spices and herbs, slow-cooked meats, and mouthwatering couscous. When visiting Morocco, you should eat a variety of intriguing dishes.. The food in Morocco is delicious.

Here is a list of the traditional and most popular dishes in Morocco.


A tagine is actually a cone-shaped cooking vessel, usually made of ceramic or clay. It is an integral part of Moroccan cuisine, and there are an infinite number of dishes that can be prepared in a tagine.among the most A popular tagine includes chicken and veggies.

Spanish Sardines

Sardines are a preferred cuisine in Morocco and one of the country’s main exports. Sardines are primarily consumed in coastal cities, but they are also available in stores throughout the rest of the nation. Sardines that have been stuffed are frequently served as an appetizer or side dish, and they are delicious.

Arabic kebab

One of the best Moroccan street dishes is the Moroccan version of kebab, which is sold in markets all around the nation. They can be eaten with bread and harissa and come on skewers with either chicken, lamb, or beef meat. For about 20 Moroccan dirhams, a standard kebab is a decent option.

Moroccan Cuisine – Couscous

Couscous is another typical food from Morocco that should not be missed. It is recognized as the national dish of Morocco and is usually served with vegetables and meat. Couscous is made from semolina and comes from the cuisine of the Maghreb. It has since become popular throughout the Middle East for its versatile use. It can be compared to bulgur or rice, but it has a distinct texture and flavor that is unique to couscous

Merguez sausage

Another local favorite of Berber cuisine is merguez sausage, which is made from lamb. It is popular throughout the North African region, and Morocco is no exception. You might serve it with bread.

 even in a tagine


Chermoula is a thick marinade specially made for fish and seafood. It is a mixture of spices and herbs that can come in many variations, and there are several dishes in Morocco in which chermoula is used.

Cuisine of Morocco – Harira

Harira is a flavorful lentil and chickpea soup usually eaten during Ramadan. It can also be served at home or in restaurants as an appetizer. It is an easy-to-make soup in which the broth is often made from beef or lamb, and chaarira (noodles) are added to make it more filling.


Bread is a big part of Moroccan cuisine, and there are many variations. Khobz is one of the most popular types of bread in Morocco, it is baked in wood-burning ovens and is usually served as an accompaniment to various dishes.

Moroccan Chicken Bastille

This is a chicken pie that is traditionally served at special events, but it can also be made at home and tasted in restaurants.


Tanjia is most common in Marrakech, and like tagine, it is a clay pot dish usually made with beef, lamb, or chicken. Tanjia dishes are known for their rich flavor with lots of herbs and spices.

Cuisine of Morocco – Kefta

Kefta is a Moroccan meatball. They are often served with couscous, vegetables and various spices. The meatballs are made from ground beef or lamb mixed with paprika, onions, coriander, cumin, and parsley. Cinnamon, mint leaves, and cayenne pepper are ingredients in certain recipes.

Rfissa Rfissa is yet another Moroccan delicacy that is typically offered at festivals.

. It is usually made with chicken and lentils, as well as fenugreek seeds, mesen and rah el hanout. It is often garnished with quail eggs, fruit, and nuts.

Cuisine of Morocco – Zaalouk

Zaalouk is a salad that is made with eggplant and tomatoes. It also includes garlic, spices and olive oil. Zaalouk is usually eaten with bread and served as a side dish.

Mutton or beef with prunes

This combination is another feature of the excellent and unique flavors of Moroccan cuisine. This dish can be made with lamb or beef, which are cooked together with spices until they are really tender. Prunes are added on top along with almonds and a little syrup.

Learn more about Moroccan food

Moroccan cuisine is colorful and flavorful. It is not too spicy, but all dishes are rich in flavor because of the intense use of spices and herbs. Beef, lamb, and chicken are the most common meats, and a typical meal will always include meat, salad, couscous, bread, and vegetables. Tagine is a typical way of cooking, and Moroccan food in general is very healthy.

The main influences of Moroccan cuisine can be traced back to Berber, Maghreb, Jewish and Arab cultures. It’s a very unique flavor that you won’t find anywhere else in the world.

The best Moroccan food can usually be found in bazaars and local restaurants where locals eat. Avoid tourist restaurants and ask locals for advice on good places to try authentic Moroccan food.

Cuisine of Morocco – interesting facts

Is Moroccan food spicy?

Real Moroccan cuisine uses a lot of spices, but it itself is not necessarily spicy, although it will be very flavorful. Most Moroccan dishes are not very spicy.

What do you eat for breakfast in Morocco?

Bread, olives, goat cheese, eggs, pancakes, jams and tea are all typical Moroccan breakfasts.

What hand do Moroccans eat with?

Moroccans always eat with their right hand and almost never use their left hand in conjunction with food. They usually eat with their first two fingers and thumb. Only use your left hand to pick up bread or pass food to others. Can I drink alcohol in Morocco?

Although alcohol is forbidden in Islam, alcohol is still available in Morocco. Alcohol can be consumed and bought only in licensed hotels, bars and tourist areas.

There are also supermarkets that sell alcohol, but only foreigners can drink alcohol in public places. Some Moroccans who are not religious may occasionally drink alcohol, but it is not welcomed.,,

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