Morocco Hotels and Resorts Reviews

Morocco Hotels

Morocco Hotels and Resorts Reviews

Morocco Hotels; Comment: From January 02 to 09, 2023 made with friends excursion tour in Morocco. Thanks to an excellent guide Mohhamed Bougege the trip turned out to be atmospheric, fascinating, with a sense of complete immersion in the culture and life of the local population. Thank you Mohhamed for a wo

Morocco Hotels; City: Moscow Morocco Hotels and Resorts Reviews

Commentary: We wanted to travel around Morocco for a long time.

 For the first familiarization we decided to use the tour “Treasures of the ancient Maghreb” offered by the company Wand and we did not regret it. The tour is well thought out and organized. For a week we traveled almost the whole country, looking even in small towns, such as ancient Roman Volubilis, cozy Shefshaun, etc. We were able to see everything that was announced by the company. Everything that was declared by the company on the program was fulfilled and even a little more. The receiving party was on top of its game. Its main motto is safety of tourists. The guide on our tour was an amazing Mohammed Bugezhe (I may be mistaken in the writing). Without him there would be no mysterious oriental fairy tale. He tried to show us the country in all its diversity. And his stories about people, customs, traditions are beyond praise. It was exciting, funny, home-like cozy and brightened up the long travels. Among other things, Mohammed is incredibly responsible (he is an excellent student).

Morocco Hotels; Not once did anyone get lost – neither in the crazy medina of Fez

, nor in chaotic Marrakech – nowhere. We were always on time everywhere, with time to buy souvenirs, drink coffee, and visit the supermarket (for those who needed it). Mohammed tried to solve organizational issues as efficiently as possible. Muhammed is sociable, with a great sense of humor, which is sometimes lacking in our compatriots, in love with his country, his work and Russia (after 7 years of studying and living in Nizhny Novgorod). The perception of the country depends on who and how one meets the guests – show, tell, share subtleties. Mohammed, thank you. Driver Azis is a true professional. . Always on time, knows all the roads, drives confidently and calmly.

He made us feel safe and secure. Morocco

is an amazing country. Variety of colors, generous sun, lace architecture, stunning imagination, a combination of European modern neighborhoods with medieval medinas of cities, where still lives an oriental fairy tale from childhood, goats climbing trees, a maelstrom of markets, where everything is sold, snake charmers, music of slaves, raging serious ocean – all this is a fairy tale of the Maghreb. Let’s go back

Morocco Hotels; Commentary: Yesterday we returned from the tour in Morocco.

 With the company WAND traveling for the third time.Distinctive feature of the company is that, the guides of the receiving party babysit tourists as a mother with small children. In this trip the company surpassed itself. We were accompanied by guide Mohhamed Bugeja, a man of great charm, intelligent, highly professional, widely educated and very warm-hearted. Thanks to Mohhamed we learned a lot of interesting things about the country, culture, traditions and customs, and just human communication with our guide was a pleasure in itself. Thank you VAND Company and our guide Mohhamed for a perfectly organized trip and good mood. I will recommend to all my friends and acquaintances to travel to Morocco only with WAND company accompanied by guide Mohhamed Bugeja.

Morocco Hotels; Comment: Just returned from a wonderful tour in Morocco from January 02 to 09.

Wand, not bad, well done. Casablanca, Rabat, Meknes, Volubilis, Fez, Chefchaouen, Essaouira, Agadir. The country is different, beautiful, sunny, rich and poor, in general, as everywhere. The strongest impression from the Medina of Fez and Shefchaouen. Thanks to accompanying, guide Mohammed, with excellent Russian language and sense of humor, driver Aziz and assistant Amin. Guys, keep it up! We had a piece of summer in the middle of winter. Dmitry, Svetlana.

Morocco Hotels; Comment: In October we traveled in Morocco (tour Tales of the Ancient Maghreb),

 We specially chose this route to see not only imperial cities, but also ancient fortresses of Kasbah. We used Wanda’s services not for the first time and again we were very satisfied. The trip exceeded all expectations. Everything was organized perfectly, from meeting at the airport to seeing us home. An interesting observation – hotels along the route were more satisfied with those who lived in the “trishki”. But all this is “trifles of life”. Morocco is a beautiful country. Medinas of ancient cities, bazaars, where you want to buy everything, endless zovorazhivayuschih city walls, minarets, ancient kasbahs, mountain serpentines, silent ocean, colorful women’s dresses, oranges, dates, cacti and, of course, delicious tagines – all this is Morocco. Special thanks to our accompanying – wonderful – guide Karim and driver Mohamed. They became us

Comment:From January 02 to January 09, 2023 made a sightseeing tour in Morocco,

 with friends. Thanks to the excellent guide Mohamed Bouzhege the trip turned out to be atmospheric, fascinating, with a sense of complete immersion in the culture and life of the local population. Thank you Mohamed for a wonderful time!

Morocco Hotels; Comment: For a long time we wanted to travel around Morocco.

For the first familiarization decided to use the tour “Treasures of the ancient Maghreb”, offered by the company Wand, and did not regret. The tour is well thought out and organized. For a week we traveled almost the whole country, looking even in small towns such as ancient Roman Volubilis, cozy Chefchaouen, etc. We were able to see everything that was stated by the company. Everything that was stated by the company in the program was fulfilled and even a little more. The host was on top of her game. Its main motto is safety of tourists. The guide on our tour was the amazing Mohammed Bugegege (I can misspell it). Without him there would be no mysterious oriental fairy tale. He tried to show us the country in all its diversity. And his stories about people, customs, traditions are beyond praise. It was interesting, funny, home-like cozy and brightened up long journeys. Among other things, Mohammed is incredibly responsible (he is an excellent student)

Comment: Traveling in Morocco is impressive. The country is bright and interesting, inhabitants are friendly. Guide Abdelkrim Agdi (Karim) is a patriot of his country, besides he loves Russia and Russians. He tries very hard to make Russians recognize and love Morocco. Thank him for this!

Morocco Hotels; Morocco Hotels and Resorts Reviews; Comment: Vand you are GREAT ! Really so.

 It was lucky to once again take part in a promotional tour of this tour operator – a true Master of his craft and responsible organizer – on the magnificent, beautiful Country, where smells only the aromas of rare flowers and the taste of oranges, and where every stone breathes the history of the ancient Maghreb – Morocco. I want to say I am in the third time in Morocco. But this tour was the best. It includes all the excursion sites of the magnificent, beautiful imperial cities, where every tourist will get a real pleasure and a lot of impressions. Promotional Tour is both study and practice for travel agency workers. Local Guide – a great son of the great people ABDULKARIM – has an excellent command of the language, knows and loves his country, the history of each city and this love is passed on to his guests.We were lucky with the Guide. Thanks to him. Comfortable bus, courteous driver Ibrahim with oriental culture, good level hotels on

It all left the best impression about the country and of course about the organizers of this tour

. Special thanks for the hotel in Agadyr – AGADIR BECH KLAB (I recommend to everyone who chose to rest in Agadyr). Five days of rest in this hotel is a gift from the tour operator. This is not in any tour operator. Wish: I would like to infotour recruited really those who need it for work and is interested in what they show and tell about. Among us, unfortunately, there were some comrades who are always dissatisfied. The bus is hot or cold, the guide is not so, hotels are not so. In everything they see only minuses and turn others on. It was very not beautiful especially in front of the Guide who tried to please everyone. Regret this has never happened before! Many thanks to our leader Svetlana Zhuchkova for patience, for the ability to create a normal environment in the group, for caring about everyone and everything. See you again ! Good sales to all who were in this advertiser.

Morocco Hotels; Commentary: Morocco – a wonderful world of the East

Morocco Hotels; . Review of the promotional tour “Bright Colors of Morocco”

 Before the trip a lot of reading on the Internet about this Muslim country, where religious traditions and customs, not fanatically, but universally observed, so the visit to Morocco well prepared. The program of the tour I have been thoroughly reviewed, as I went on excursion tours with Wand more than once and I know that they are very rich and interesting. I was not mistaken this time. I liked everything! And the organization of transport (we had to travel up to 500 km a day) – a comfortable bus with a professional driver Ibrahim, and accommodation – accommodation in hotels. But, I think, the most successful decision in the organization of this tour guide – a native of Morocco Karim, who speaks Russian very well. Who better than a native of the country can convey to a foreigner its culture, customs and mentality! Having studied in the USSR and learned Russian then, Karim took a very serious and responsible approach to traveling around his country. With such pleasure and love he told about the culture, customs, history and

Morocco Hotels; He organized the group’s evening outings to the vibrant nightlife,

be it in the city of Fez or Marrakech. Karim is a patriot of his country, just good for him! And not for nothing on Facebook he has so many Russian friends who leave their good reviews about his work. Karim showed us the cities in all their glory, as if from “Aladdin’s Magic Lamp”: popular noisy and hot Marrakech and Fez, told us about the ruins of ancient cities – Lixus (Carthaginian-Roman city) and Volubilis (city of the Roman era). The program of the promotional tour was successful also because we were given an opportunity not only to see the imperial cities of Morocco – Casablanca, Rabat, Fez, Marrakesh, Meknes, but also to enjoy four days of rest on the Atlantic coast in Agadir, a modern resort, not inferior to European resorts with its hotels. I will long tell my friends about this trip to the beautiful African country of Morocco, show them

photos and share in social networks vivid impressions and material about the life of people with a different mentality and culture. Two of my friends have already looked at the site Wanda information on tours to Morocco, I think that by the summer vacation they will decide on the choice of this destination and will buy tickets. Special thanks to Wanda! Professional work and individual approach to each tourist – these are your distinctive features. I am looking forward to traveling with you again and again! And I

Morocco Hotels; Morocco Hotels and Resorts Reviews; send my tourists only to you! Zinaida Kravets

Comment: Thank you very much to the company “Vand” for the organization of the tour to Morocco from 16 to 26 October 2023. Impressions of the tour are the best: meeting at the airport, buses, quick settlement in hotels – all clearly. Rich excursion program. We would especially like to thank our guide and escort – Karim. Useful and interesting information about the country, answers to questions throughout the trip. There was one very long transfer (the whole day) and, if not for Karim’s stories, the road would have seemed heavy. And the excursion passage in the labyrinths of the old city was organized so clearly that we did not lose anyone. Which we were very surprised at when we emerged from the narrow shopping streets. We are grateful to Karim for his care and attention, which we were surrounded by all the time: on excursions, and when we had to solve problems in hotels, and even when we were shopping. There were, of course, unpleasant moments in the trip. They were connected with the composition of the group. It was embarrassing to see the sometimes boorish attitude of compatriots in a foreign country, but let it be left to them.conscience. Especially since there was a significant minority of such people. As a wish, I would like to write that there was not enough time to see Casablanca. The city is interesting and half a day is not enough for it. Especially when you fly from Moscow and in 7 hours you find yourself on the ocean shore, you want to enjoy this natural spectacle. Thanks again to “Vand” for organizing the tour. I think the majority of our group remember the trip to

Morocco Hotels; Morocco with gratitude. Sincerely, Natalia Samodelova. Name:Z

Comment: In September 2023 I and my friend were on a sightseeing tour in Morocco. The tour is called “Tales of the ancient Maghreb”. We got unforgettable impressions. Moved a lot, but also looked from ancient cities to mountains, fortresses, drove by the edge of the Sahara. We were caught in a thunderstorm while visiting a fortress in Moroccan Hollywood and saw how rivers form instantly in the desert. Impressive! The ancient cities of Fez and Maroche are fabulous labyrinths that live by their own rules. It’s as if you get into an oriental fairy tale. Separately I want to tell about our guide: Agdi Abdelkrim, a man in love with his country and his work. He was with us all this time, solved all our problems, surrounded us all with care. Thanks to him, we visited Moroccan families, felt the spirit of Morocco, got answers to all our questions about Morocco. And even wen we all went to the seaside to

We continued chatting and went out with our guide to Legzir Bay on our own, saw the surviving red sandstone arch, a magical bay. After a lot of cities it was amazing to just be in nature. What we bought in Morocco: in Marakesh – argan oil, creams with it, in Fez – ceramics from white clay, in Agadir – gray wine “gris”, and of course everywhere there are slippers babusha. My granddaughter does not part with them now))) There was only one minus: very poor breakfasts in hotels when traveling around the country. It seemed to be 4*, but there was nothing to eat((( Thank you to the company Wand for the excellent organization of the tour, detailed instructions. We communicated with the manager Natalia in Russia and all her advice was very useful! I am writing from myself, from Kozyreva Tatiana (Moscow)

Morocco Hotels and Resorts Reviews; and Olga (Tyumen) marrakech to desert

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